Jumat, 28 Juni 2013

Exercise Bhs. Inggris

1)      We …… student last year
a.       Was
b.      Were
c.       Do
d.      Did
2)      I have …… you yesterday
a.       Meet
b.      Met
c.       Meeting
d.      Meets
3)      He ……. Playing football
a.       Has been
b.      Had been
c.       Were been
d.      Was been
4)      He will be …… me at nine tomorrow
a.       Teach
b.      Teaches
c.       Teaching
d.      Thouch
5)      As i was talking to a client when my phone rang , I had _____________
a. to answer
b. answering the call
c. asked to answer the call
d. My secretary answer the call

6)      My radio is broken. i will get someone _____________ it
a. repaired
b. To repair
c. Has repaired it
d. has to repair

7)       “Mrs. Johanna said, “” I don’t do business that way.”"”
a. Mrs. Johanna told she didn’t do business that way.
b. Mrs. Johanna said she didn’t do business that way.
c. Mrs. Johanna told she don’t do business that way
d. Mrs. Johanna said she don’t do business that way

8)      I said to the waitress, “”This bill is wrong.”"”
a. I telling the waitress this bill is wrong.
b. I told the waitress this bill is wrong.
c. I tell the waitress this bill is wrong
d. I said the waitress this bill is wrong

9)    What did they play last night ? Do you know….
a.      What they played last night
b.      What they play last night
c.       What they playing last night
d.      What they plays last night

10)  Where do you live  ? don't know
a.      Where you live
b.      Where you are live
c.       Where you were live
d.      Where did you live

1.      B
2.      B
3.      A
4.      C
5.      D
6.      B
7.      B
8.      B
9.      A
10.  A

Minggu, 23 Juni 2013

Harapan yang Belum Tercapai

         Oke… sebenernya gue bingung mau mulai dari mana ??? heemmm… setiap orang pasti memliki harapan, begitu juga gue. Dan masih banyak banget harapan atau cita-cita gue yang belum tercapai. Salah satunya adalah, gue pengen banget ngeliat orang tua gue bangga karna punya anak seperti gue. Tetapi, sampai sekarang gue masih belum bisa ngelakuin hal tersebut. Karena, menurut gue, gue masih sering membuat mereka marah atau kesel dengan tingkah laku yang gue lakuin. Padahal, gue udah nyoba untuk buat mereka itu merasa bangga karna punya anak yg bias buat mereka itu bahagia. Tetapi, walaupun begitu gue masih akan terus mencoba dan terus mencoba buat mewujudkan harapn gue tersebut. Dengan cara apapun bakal gue lakuin, asal dapet buat kedua orang tua gue bisa bangga sama gue. Dan mungkin itu sulit, tapi gue gak bakal nyerah…. Nahh !! gue bingung mau nulis apa lagi, menurut gue segitu aja dulu cerita dari gue. Gue harap semua harapan gue itu dapat terkabulkan. Aamiin !!!